For some of the most common and costly health conditions—such as maternity, orthopedics and weight loss—Vanderbilt Health’s MyHealth Bundles program provides patients with all the care they need and nothing they don’t. This focus on efficient, value-based care improves the patient experience and quality while lowering the cost of care.
For example, the MyMaternityHealth Bundle begins at the first prenatal appointment and ends 90 days after birth. All services that a patient requires for their maternity experience are included, such as physician care, hospital stays, emergency department visits, labs, imaging, prenatal education, telehealth kits and newborn services for the baby during the delivery admission. The goal is to provide the best possible clinical outcome, which eliminates unnecessary care, prevents complications and lowers costs for both the employer and patient.
Video: Evaluating Bundled Payment Programs
Milliman, a national actuarial firm, helps clients design and execute value-based care strategies. The firm has partnered with MyHealth Bundles since the beginning, part of the reason the program is a recognized standard for pricing, risk and insurance validation. Employes have many options for participating in value-based care.
In a new video, Milliman's Brian Sweatman, an expert on payor-provider partnerships, shares insights on how to evaluate provider-led bundled payment programs. He covers:
- Bundled payments as a value-based care strategy. This care model is focused on care redesign, not just cost. This approach is different than “centers of excellence” that may not include all necessary services before, during and after the event. It's also a departure from payor-led bundles that may focus solely on cost.
- How MyHealth Bundles is advancing the overall mission of value-based care
Find more information here on how MyHealth Bundles can improve care and lower costs for your organization. You can also email us at or call (615) 421–0112.