Vanderbilt's Maternity Bundle Eases Stress for First-Time Parents

While welcoming a child is a happy occasion, many families also experience stress related to health care costs along with the burden of going through a health event—even when there aren’t complications. For employees starting or growing their family, the MyMaternityHealth Bundle is designed to minimize stress, thanks to low- to no out-of-pocked costs for employees and a dedicated patient navigator to walk new parents through every step of their health journey.

The program coordinates all services an expectant mother needs from the initial prenatal care visit until 12 weeks after delivery with low to no out-of-pocket costs. It also features free education classes, telehealth visits and tele-lactation services. Vanderbilt’s MyHealth Bundles reduce stress on enrollees while also signaling to employees that their company prioritizes their well-being.

“We had a wonderful experience with the MyMaternityHealth Bundle,” said David Newton, MD, Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, and wife Mallory Newton, Physician Assistant, Department of Endocrinology. “My wife and I are both health care providers at VUMC, and the excellent service we received as patients made us proud to be employees of the institution. Having the all-inclusive care package put our minds at ease as we anticipated the birth of our first child, giving us the mental space to focus on being new parents.

“We recommend the maternity health bundle to all our friends planning to have kids,” he continued, “and would be excited if we get to enroll again in our future.” 

For more details on MyMaternityHealth, visit this site. And read more patient success stories at this link.

The Newton family praised the "wonderful experience" they had in MyMaternityHealth Bundle, a benefit they said made them "proud to be employees" of VUMC.