'Music Sounds Great Again': Cochlear Implant Makes Life More Vibrant for Bundles Patient

Galyn Martin has suffered from progressive hearing loss for more than two decades, but in recent years, her hearing worsened dramatically—and hearing aids were no longer helping. At dinner with friends, in gatherings with family or out in public, she had a hard time keeping up with conversations and interacting the way she wanted to. "'Why are people mumbling?' she thought. "I could only hear half of what people were saying."

Normally friendly and outgoing, Martin’s diminished hearing triggered a steady retreat from activities she enjoyed. It also led to a growing sense of isolation and even depression.

As a patient at the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center, Martin sought advice from her otolaryngologist on next steps. When she was told she needed a cochlear implant, she cried.

Martin was worried about what the implant would look like, how the surgery and recovery would go, and if the implant would really make a difference in her hearing. But then she read about the MyHearingHealth Bundle—a Vanderbilt Health benefit offered by her employer—that coordinates all the services needed for a successful cochlear implant procedure and recovery.

The bundle features low out-of-pocket costs, streamlined appointments and a better care experience with the services of a patient navigator. Martin took the leap and became a bundles patient—and was rewarded with a much more convenient and less frightening experience than she had anticipated.

She considered the one-day outpatient procedure to implant the cochlear device to be “easy,” and she was happy that the implant was less visible than her hearing aid. Even better? After her device was activated and programmed, her hearing greatly improved and continued to improve in the weeks that followed. “My fears were for nothing,” she said. She is also thrilled to be able to again enjoy music and concerts, one of her favorite pastimes.

“The MyHearingHealth Bundle made my life so much easier,” Martin continued. “I had somebody to navigate the process and didn’t have to worry about the financial aspect. It allowed me to continue to be an extremely productive member of my department.

“I’m so grateful that my employer offers this. It has truly made a difference in my life.”

Watch the video below to hear about the experience in Martin's own words.

"The MyHearingHealth Bundle made my life so much easier," said Galyn Martin, recipient of a cochlear implant.