Why It’s Vital to Schedule Preventive Screenings

Fears of COVID-19 have made many patients hesitant to go to the doctor for key preventive screenings, particularly for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer. In fact, a recent study points to an 80% drop in routine cancer screening appointments since the pandemic. If not reversed, this break in access to care will have far-reaching consequences: National Cancer Institute models show the potential for as many cancer-related deaths as COVID-19 in the next five years.

Encourage your employees to seek these key preventive screenings and check off annual exams before the end of the year. Share the following MySouthernHealth articles highlighting important facts about some of the most common cancers—and the need to maintain routine healthcare screenings:

As an added service for Employer Partners, Vanderbilt Corporate Health and Wellness clinicians can mobilize to employers’ desired location and conduct onsite health screenings. Learn more about the service here.