VUMC Updates Masking Guidance

Beginning today, Wednesday, May 26, Vanderbilt University Medical Center no longer requires employees or visitors to wear masks outside its facilities regardless of the individual’s vaccine status. This change is part of the Medical Center’s updated COVID-19 infection prevention guidance that will be phased in by Tuesday, June 1.

The updated guidance includes changes to indoor and outdoor masking policies and provides a new ID badge sticker process so that VUMC employees who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 can be easily identified. Beginning June 1, employees who have been vaccinated will no longer be required to mask indoors in non-clinical areas (including non-patient care areas of mixed-use buildings) outlined in the updated guidance. Information about which buildings and areas of buildings on VUMC’s campuses are considered non-clinical is available here.

The guidance for clinical areas and patient encounters has not changed. Masking will continue to be required of all persons, employees and visitors, regardless of their vaccination status, upon entry into all clinical areas. Clinical areas include any patient care or public areas where patients are or may be present. Masking will continue to be required when riding a VUMC shuttle, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.