MySpineHealth Bundles Patient Now Back to the Job She Loves

An Advanced EMT for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), April Cotten was struggling with back pain—a challenge for anyone, especially someone who drives an ambulance much of the day. “The pain really started with sciatica,” she said. “It gradually kept getting worse.”

After living with increasing pain for years, Cotten happened to see an email from VUMC that discussed the MyHealth bundles program. “The thing that got my attention was the word ‘spine,’ Cotten remembered. She also was intrigued by the idea that certain spine surgeries were available at no cost through her employer’s benefits.

After a patient navigator declared her eligible for the MySpineHealth bundle, Cotten enrolled and eventually had a spine surgery. The procedure was a success, with the EMT reporting she can work without pain and return to activities she used to love, such as gardening.

“I would recommend the bundle a thousand percent to anybody who's having back issues,” she said. “There's no sense in living in pain if you don't have to.”

Watch Cotten’s story in her own words below, and learn more about MySpineHealth by downloading this digital brochure.

An Advanced EMT for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), April Cotten was struggling with back pain. An email about the MySpineHealth bundle got her attention.