4 Tools to Boost Open Enrollment Success

Open enrollment season is just around the corner, and HR departments are preparing for a whirlwind of communications, presentations and questions. The good news: There’s still time for some creative, last-minute ideas that can help HR teams simplify and clarify the process so employees can make informed decisions about their benefits. 

Here are four ideas and the advantages and disadvantages of each: 

1. Testimonial Videos. By hearing firsthand from colleagues who have taken advantage of different benefits, employees can gain a clearer understanding of how programs work, and which ones are the best fit for them. Colleagues might explain how a Health Savings Account (HSA) helped cover unexpected medical expenses, or how participating in a 401(k) plan boosted their long-term savings. 

Pluses: Engaging, relatable, digestible; easy to distribute
Minuses: Require time and resources to produce quality content 

2. Benefits Fairs (Virtual and In-Person). These give employees the chance to interact with vendors, ask questions, learn about new or improved benefits, and explore their options. Virtual benefits fairs are increasingly popular because they allow teams to participate from anywhere. 

Pluses: Comprehensive overview of benefits in one place; virtual fairs are easily accessible
Minuses: Require logistical planning 

3. Chat Bots and Phone Banks. Information from these tools can greatly reduce confusion—employees can quickly get answers to their questions about plan details, coverage, deadlines and more. Chat bots offer 24/7 assistance while phone banks let employees talk to a real person. 

Pluses: Instant support for specific questions
Minuses: Chat bots may not handle complex queries well; phone banks require staffing and training 

4. Incentives. To encourage employees to complete enrollment early or attend information sessions, offer a small gift card, extra vacation time or an entry into a raffle. Incentives can also nudge employees toward wellness programs, which have long-term benefits for both employees and employers. 

Pluses: Creates a sense of urgency and fun
Minuses: Can be costly 


Partner With Experts

If you need help sharing benefits to employees in ways that resonate and spur engagement, Vanderbilt Health Employer Solutions can develop tailored plans, supporting you with virtual or in-person health fairs and educational events. Fill out this form, or email employersolutions@vumc.org for more information.

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